Blue dot in a big red state, Austin prides itself on the offbeat, the wide-open, where barefoot and boots easily dance together. And the barbecue: It is the Truth.



Things to do in Austin to get the real thing in the city.

  • Stand in line (BYOB) for slow-smoked brisket at Franklin, La Barbecue or Micklethwait

  • Take the Wildsam-approved morning jog & dip around Lady Bird Lake and Barton Springs

  • Check out the live music scene at Sam’s Town Point and the Continental Club

  • Channel your cowpoke at Callahan’s Ranch Supply, seller of Stetsons and baby goats

  • Pony up to dives like Deep Eddy Cabaret (jukebox) and Nickel City (pool table)



"There’s a freedom you begin to feel the closer you get to Austin, Texas."

- Willie Nelson


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